GECS News is an annual publication of the South American Camelid Specialist Group (GECS), which is part of the Species Survival Commission of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). The magazine is intended for the dissemination of knowledge and news that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of wild vicuñas and guanacos. We intend that GECS News will be useful to researchers, wildlife managers, NGOs, producers, policy makers and students. Contributions are accepted in Spanish or English within a wide variety of topics that contemplate the generation of scientific and technical information relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of species, including: taxonomy, systematics, genetics, biogeography, ecology, conservation, sustainable use, management plans, and animal health.

Editorial Committee
Nadine Renaudeau d’Arc,
Catherine Sahley, Fernando Videla,
Ana Wawrzyk, Esperanza Iranzo, Celina Flores
Chair Pablo Carmanchahi
ISSN 2796-7948